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Day 30 - Building the Word Scramble App

·2172 words·11 mins
In today’s article, we will use the List, UITextChecker and App Bundle we learned on day 29 in a real application and build our game World Scramble.

Day 25 - SwiftUI Key Points

·1253 words·6 mins
In today’s article, we will summarize the important points we learned from the projects we carried out on days 16-24.

Day 23 - SwiftUI Project-3 Part-1

·3030 words·15 mins
With this project we will examine why SwiftUI uses structs for views, why some view is used so much and how modifiers work exactly.

Day 21 - SwiftUI Project-2 Part-2

·1804 words·9 mins
In this chapter, we build our GuessTheFlag application using the topics we worked on in chapter 1 such as Stack, Color, Frame, Gradient, Button, Image, Alert.