Day 55 - SwiftUI SwiftData Delete and Sort Operations
·1962 words·10 mins
Today we will learn how to delete SwiftData objects, how to sort queries using SortDescriptor and how to add custom buttons to alerts.
Day 54 - SwiftUI Custom UI Component
·2076 words·10 mins
We will start applying the new techniques we have learned to create our application. We’ll use SwiftData to create a book object and a custom RatingView component created using @Binding for users to record how much they liked each book.
Day 53 - SwiftUI Binding, TextEditor and SwiftData Introduction
·3010 words·15 mins
Today we’re starting a new project and this is where things start to get really serious because we’re going to learn an important new Swift skill that will come in handy as you build the project.
Day 52 - SwiftUI Project 10 (Cupcake Corner) Challange and Solutions
·693 words·4 mins
Hopefully this project has shown you how to use the skills you already know (SwiftUI Picker, Stepper and Navigation) and turn them into an app that sends all the user’s data to a server and processes the response.
Day 51 - SwiftUI Networking: Complete the Application Using URLSession
·3008 words·15 mins
In this section we will see how to send and receive data over the internet using URLSession.