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Day 47 - SwiftUI Milestone: Projects 7-9 Challange

·434 words·3 mins
In this challenge we will build a complete app from scratch on our own. This time our goal is to create a habit tracker app for people who want to keep track of how much they do certain things.

Day 40 - SwiftUI: Generics and Codable

·3169 words·15 mins
In today’s article, we will look at Codable in more detail. We will also look at Generics, which allow us to create highly reusable code.

Day 37 - SwiftUI: Let's Build the iExpense App

·3651 words·18 mins
In this section we will build our iExpense application using @Observable, sheet(), Codable, UserDefaults. @Observable : Monitors a class for changes and refreshes all affected views.