Day 9 - Swift Functions - 3 : What is Closure? How Do They Work? Closure Examples
·2058 words·10 mins
Assigning Function to Variable or Constant #We can assign functions to variables or constants, pass functions as parameters to functions, or return functions from functions.
Day 8 - Swift Functions - 2 : Default Parameters and Error Handling
·1139 words·6 mins
Default Value for Function Parameters #We have already mentioned that we can customize our functions through parameters.
Day 7 - Swift Functions - 1 : Parameters and Return
·2089 words·10 mins
What is Function? #We can write functions separately from the rest of our code and call them repeatedly as needed.
Day 6 - Swift Loops
·1501 words·8 mins
Computers are very good at performing repetitive operations. In Swift, these repetitive structures are called loops.
Day 5 - Swift Conditional Statements: If , Else If, Switch Case, Ternary Operator
·1753 words·9 mins
In Swift, we may need to check some conditions. We may want to do different operations depending on whether the condition is true or false.