Day 14 - Swift Optionals and Nil Coalescing
·2285 words·11 mins
In this section, we will examine Swift’s solutions for null references (variables with no value), known as optionals.
Day 13 - Swift Protocol and Extension
·3478 words·17 mins
How to Create and Use Swift Protocol? #Protocol is similar to contracts in Swift. It allows us to define what kind of functions we expect a data type to support, so we can follow those rules in the rest of our code.
Day 12 - Swift Classes and Inheritance
·3044 words·15 mins
Classes are quite similar to Struct at first glance. With Classes we can create new data types with their own properties and methods.
Day 11 - Swift Struct - 2 : Access Control and Static Property & Method
·970 words·5 mins
Swift Access Control #By default, Swift Structs have no limitations on access to property and method.
Day 10 - Swift Struct - 1 : Struct, Computed Property and Property Observer
·2030 words·10 mins
How to Create a Struct? #The struct in Swift allows us to create a comprehensive, custom data type with its own variables and its own functions.